Sana R. Chaudhry – “Writing a Close Reading Essay – I”

I have received so many requests for help with critical analysis, so we are going to write a close reading
essay together. On Apr 29, 2023, we are going to meet for a two-part seminar. In part one, I will deliver a
lecture on the many nuances of close reading. We will discuss how to approach a text, what should you be
thinking about, and how you should plan your essay. I will provide you a reading pack with extracts from some
of the most insightful close readings I have had the pleasure of reading. For part one, I invite you all to
bring your ideas about what you want to write about. We will have a Q&A session where you can ask pointed
questions about your own essay that you want to work on or are currently working on. Then you go away for a
week to work on your essay and we meet again on May 6, 2023 to talk about how your essay went, what problems
you had, and how to fix them. All close readings in part two of the seminar will receive personalized written
feedback. You can attend one session or both, it’s up to you.
For more details, please contact